Puppy Obedience Training 101: Unlock Your Puppy’s Potential

Puppy behaviors–chewing, digging, nipping, using the bathroom inside, crying in the crate–will test your patience. If you address and correct these problems appropriately through Puppy Obedience Training, you will not only have a well-behaved puppy, but also a well-adjusted dog with whom you have a strong bond of trust, as well as love.

Basics of Puppy Obedience Training

Adding a new puppy into your family is exciting, but comes with the responsibility to train your young canine so that she behaves well at home and in public. Puppy obedience training is the foundation of a strong bond and sets the stage for a lifetime of good behavior.

Establishing leadership is key to puppy obedience training. Your puppy needs to understand that you are in charge of all resources and that she can rely on you for guidance and protection at all times. Strong leadership builds trust and love between you and your puppy, which is crucial for a dog’s emotional well-being and happiness.

Part of building leadership involves teaching your puppy basic obedience so that she understands what is expected of her in different situations. This not only helps her become a well-behaved member of the family but also prepares her to be good citizens in public spaces.


Puppies should be fed on a schedule; not only will housetraining proceed more smoothly, but in addition your puppy will be more motivated to work for treats during puppy obedience training. Since puppies grow so fast, you may need to feed yours three times a day.

If you want a dog who doesn’t beg at the table, and possibly learn counter surfing, then consider crating your puppy during meal times. For the most part, avoid feeding a dog human food in order to avoid stomach upset, unwanted weight  gain, and even toxic reactions.

Crate Manners

Some people are opposed to crate training because they think it’s “cruel.” In fact, the opposite is true: since dogs are den animals, providing a puppy with a facsimile will give her a place to be where she can rest, both when you want her to and whenever she feels overwhelmed and needs to escape.

What is cruel would be simply putting your puppy into the crate without proper desensitization. Puppies must be introduced gradually to being in a crate, which is one reason puppy obedience training is so important.

Unlocking Your Puppy’s Potential: Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a training method that focuses on rewarding desired behaviors as opposed to punishing undesirable ones. Positive reinforcement encourages a puppy to comply with commands and helps shape them into well-behaved members of the families and good canine citizens in public.

Positive reinforcement involves using rewards such as treats, praise, or play to reinforce desired behaviors. In addition, the puppy will develop a positive association with obedience training and will learn to respect you as the leader. Positive reinforcement also strengthens the bond between your puppy and you.

Building Good Habits through Reward-Based Methods

When it comes to training your puppy, building good habits is essential for creating a well-behaved and happy companion. One highly effective approach is the use of rewards to induce the desired behavior. This positive reinforcement technique involves rewarding desired behaviors with treats, praise, or something the puppy wants in order to reinforce the behaviors.

The key here is to find out what your puppy values, not what you think she should value. If your puppy is not food-motivated but would rather chase a ball, then access to the ball should be her reward for complying to training.

Reward-based training is highly effective but requires consistency and patience. Some puppies take longer to train due to their breed or individual personality. Also, the more fun you make training, the better your puppy will respond.

Consistency and Repetition in Training

Consistency and repetition play a vital role in shaping your puppy’s behavior. Consistency refers to maintaining a predictable routine and enforcing rules the same way every time; in addition, everyone in the household should use the same commands and training cues.

For instance, if you’re teaching your puppy to stay off the furniture, everyone in the family should consistently reinforce this rule. If one family member allows the puppy on the couch while another discourages it, your puppy will continue to get on the furniture.

Repetition is also key in helping your puppy learn and retain commands by establishing connections between words or cues and a desired action. By consistently practicing commands in different environments and situations, you reinforce their understanding and increase their likelihood of success.

By creating a consistent training routine and repeating commands frequently, you are reinforcing learning pathways in your puppy’s brain, as well as reinforcing conditioned responses.

Patience is crucial when training because canines do not have a language center in the brain and so must learn that the word “sit” refers to a specific behavior.

Keep training sessions short as well as fun. Puppies have short attention spans, and if your puppy gets bored or you get frustrated, no progress will result and you may even create a negative association between your puppy and the training.

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Dog Trainer

In order to help your puppy grow into a well-behaved, well-adjusted dog, consider hiring a certified professional dog trainer as soon as possible and before problem behaviors become established. Here are some of the advantages of puppy obedience training.

Tailored Training Programs

The right professional dog trainer will create a personalized training program based on your dog’s breed, age, temperament, and individual personality. A tailored approach ensures the best results for your unique canine companion.

Efficient Learning

With the help of a professional trainer, your dog will learn faster because you will have a personalized puppy obedience training plan that details exactly how to get the behaviors you want. 

Problem Behavior Resolution

Behavioral issues are challenging and are best addressed by a professional dog trainer, who  can identify the cause of the problem behaviors and create strategies to address and correct them. 

Expertise in Training Techniques

Professional trainers, especially those who have been certified by the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, have undergone extensive training in the most effective dog training techniques. Unless you are a mechanic, you wouldn’t try to fix your car yourself; likewise, why would you try to train your dog yourself, or hire a trainer who doesn’t have the right qualifications?

Effective Communication

Understanding dog behavior and communication is a skill that professional trainers possess. They can teach you how to interpret your dog’s body language and respond appropriately in order to help you build a stronger bond of trust and understanding between you and your dog.

Confidence Building

Training sessions with a professional trainer can boost your confidence and make sure you and your puppy work well together and that your puppy grows into a well-behaved, well-adjusted dog.

Long-term Behavior Modification

A professional trainer helps instill good habits and behaviors that last a lifetime. They equip you with the knowledge and tools to maintain the training and reinforce positive behavior, ensuring a well-adjusted and obedient dog.

Customized Solutions for Your Lifestyle

Professional trainers consider your lifestyle, living environment, and family dynamics when designing training programs. They offer solutions that seamlessly integrate into your daily routine, making training manageable and effective.

A Harmonious Relationship

By hiring a professional dog trainer, you’re making an investment that will yield a priceless result: a well-behaved, well-trained dog who will bring you joy for many years. In addition, hiring a professional dog trainer is a commitment to your puppy’s overall long-term well-being and a step towards a fulfilling partnership between you and your new best friend. Reach out to a professional dog trainer and unlock the true potential of your canine companion!


Start Your Journey Today

Laura Garren is a dedicated dog trainer who believes in unlocking the potential in every dog. Through personalized training sessions, she will provide a unique and effective learning experience for your dog and you.

Obedience is more than just teaching a dog commands; it’s about building a strong foundation of good behavior and understanding between you and your puppy. Laura’s approach creates a positive learning environment so that you can teach your puppy, or dog, what she needs to be well-adjusted, well-behaved, and happy. Ready to start the journey? Contact Laura Garren.