
When it comes to training your canine companion, the ultimate goal is not just to correct immediate behavioral issues but to ensure these solutions last a lifetime. While numerous resources might offer quick fixes or DIY training tips, nothing compares to the comprehensive, lasting results achieved through working with an
Puppy behaviors–chewing, digging, nipping, using the bathroom inside, crying in the crate–will test your patience. If you address and correct these problems appropriately through Puppy Obedience Training, you will not only have a well-behaved puppy, but also a well-adjusted dog with whom you have a strong bond of trust, as
I sometimes get called by a dog owner wanting to know if I can “cure” a dog of chasing cars. I always feel dismayed that the habit was allowed to start in the first place, because it is extremely self-rewarding and therefore difficult to correct. A dog who chases cars